Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday...
Cause Saturday night's the night I like
Saturday night's alright alright alright
-Elton John, Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting)
So, how do you like the new look to the blog? While I said I'd raise my kids with gender-neutral colors, everything in our house is turning baby blue. And while I'm still a little worried that he'll take all this blue as a cue to become a UNC fan, I'm starting to get used to it being the main color in our lives. So why not the blog, too?
We have a new skill that we're trying to teach Jay ... It's called "how to sleep in on Saturday mornings." Weekday mornings, he'd be happy to sleep in until 8 or 9. But Saturday mornings? Now that's the day to start early! Saturday is the ONLY day of the week that he wants to get up on his own. This morning, at 5:30 a.m. he was awake and ready to start the day. Derek and I played the "maybe if we ignore him, he'll go back to sleep" game. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Not gonna happen. But at least he's happy when he wakes up. There's no better way to start the day than by going into his room to see him grinning up at me. Even if it is 5:30 on a Saturday morning.
Posted at 11:04PM Jul 19, 2008 by Jen Foster in General | Comments[2]
I like the new blog look! I think it looks great. And no worries. I'll be right there with you as the crazy mom!
Posted by Bethany Watkins on July 27, 2008 at 09:13 PM EDT #
movin on up in the world of bloggin'! Soon you'll have a roll call and a track back!
New site looks great! Keep it up, I enjoy checking back in to see how it's going.
Posted by dwight on August 01, 2008 at 05:52 PM EDT #