Monday, November 12, 2007

More baby news...finally!

Monday Nov 12, 2007

Okay, okay - 50 lashes with a wet noodle to me and another 50 to Derek. (Just don't hit me on the belly, please.) I know it's been forever and a few days since I posted here. Really, I just didn't have anything all that interesting to say. Everything is going just as smoothly as it can. Torquil is kicking away and his heart is ticking away, just like the doctors say it should. I'm feeling fine as a preggo possibly can, so what news is there to share? Hmmm... I guess I'll just share what we've been up to lately.

Halloween was uneventful - Derek wanted to paint my belly like a pumpkin and send me out trick-or-treating. I had to veto that idea.

The office-to-nursery conversion is coming along, if slowly. We're still on Step One - get out all of the office junk. But we're very close to cleaned out and most stuff has found homes in other places - just one giant empty filing cabinet left to move elsewhere. I'm trying to pawn it off on my mom, and she seemed open to the idea of using it at her house for her files. Hey Mom - I'll trade you a rocking chair for a filing cabinet!

Torquil got to go to his first basketball game, thanks to my wonderful boss who gave us a pair of tickets to an exhibition game. (One ticket for me & one for Derek - at this stage, Torq doesn't need a ticket.) He was kicking lots at the game - Uncle Matt said he's just kicking along with the Fight Song. Apparently he's got his father's sense of rhythm - we're going to have to work on kicking in time to music. Now, if I could just get him to kick when the whole crowd cheers "Go State!" ... We'll have to work on that.

I never know whether lots of kicking means he wants something (like wants me to EAT!) or if he's mad about something. I suppose that in a few short months, I'll say the same thing about him crying. Experienced moms always say that you learn what your baby's cries mean, and I trust that maternal instinct will kick in on that. Right now when I hear a baby cry, all I can think is, "Somebody give him what he wants to shut him up!" True confession - I'll probably be saying that about my own kid, too.

Okay, so to make the wait between blog postings worthwhile, I've put some pics on here for those of you who don't see me often. Is that belly getting big, or what?!

20 weeks

25 weeks


Our visit in Raleigh was so short a couple of weeks ago that I didn't realize how pregnant you really were! Pregnant or not, you are still pretty as a picture! Kelsey and Livie are enjoying reading about your progress. I will see you in a week or so.



Posted by Uncle Dave on November 13, 2007 at 06:18 PM EST #

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