-Roy Orbison, "Pretty Paper"
My name is Jen and I have a paper problem. Like, taking over my house kind of problem.
Actually, it's a two-fold problem. (Get it? Paper? Folding? Oh c'mon. At least chuckle.) First, there's the paperwork/filing/bills/kid artwork/gas station receipts/coupons/magazine problem. It's everywhere. It's unorganized. It means I have an "I can't find it when I need it, but I KNOW IT'S IN THIS STINKIN' HOUSE SOMEWHERE IF I JUST KEEP LOOKING, DAMMIT!" kind of problem. I just finished sorting out all my tax stuff, and I'm sure there are all kinds of deductions I'm not taking because I'm not organized enough to keep up with that stuff. It means I pay bills late because I don't know they exist. It means special kid artwork (i.e. the picture Jay drew of his Baby Brother the day he was born) is mixed in with the receipts from last week's groceries and a dollar off ketchup coupon.
But that's a minor problem. The more major problem is that I just spent 30 minutes sorting out things that need to be shredded from clothes that need to be taken to Goodwill. Yes, you read that right. I have one giant pile of clothes that I can no longer wear, and it's mixed together with important paperwork that has my SSN on it and needs to be shredded. Who does that?!
Then, I have another paper problem. I am a paper crafter turned paper hoarder. My pseudo-sister Amy came over last night for fun craftiness, and our goal was to use up some of the paper scraps that we have collected over the years. For some reason, I feel like if I have a scrap of paper leftover from a card that's at least 2 inches square, I should save it. You know. JUST IN CASE. Just in case I have a sudden need for a 2 inch square of blue striped paper. Cause I'm certainly more likely to search through a giant pile of postage stamp size scraps to find it than to use the perfectly good 12x12 sheet of the same blue striped paper. Seriously?! Who does that?!
Arggghh! Somebody help me!

Maybe we have the same paper problem(s)... What, you couldn't even post a picture of the oh-so-cute cards you made last night?
You forgot to mention your obsession with wrapping paper and gift bags! :-)
Check out http://unclutterer.com/. Her book is an interesting one and has some good tips. Although I think at this point you might need more than good tips . . . perhaps Derek needs to gift you with a visit from a professional organizer?
Okay I am going to say something that probably isn't popular here. I fall in the same category as VOUS! I think it is an either/or world in the organizational orbit of life. It's like are you a night owl or an early bird; a half-full/half-empty glass person; city mouse/country mouse...well you get the idea. I have learned to live with my shortcomings in the organizational world...but frankly I think my family talks about me behind my back. Pftt ,Scarlett will deal with them tomorrow...!
Love you and I believe it's the creative side of the brain vs the not! Walk proudly and yeah...see if Derek wants to gift you with a professional organizer. Maybe once a year?
I've started to "go paperless" with some of my bills. I'm still a little afraid that I will misplace the bill reminder in my email, but the same thing could/has happened with paper bills, so.... At least I have less paper cluttering the bar in my kitchen!
Could you get a cool old dresser or something an keep all the paper in the drawers?
Oh, I know about the "just in case(es)" and the paper pit!
Just one question...do you only save the pieces that have a straight edge? I've been wondering if I should keep the pieces that are the left-overs from my digital paper cutter--then again, I have problems with left-overs in the fridge too!!
I'm thinking about one of those small scanners for receipts--could help if I had time to sit with a scanner, right?
Sounds like we just need to have another card party!!
You ARE my other daughter - unfortunately just as unorganized as me!! My house is filled with "just in case" items and not all of them paper. My only request is that, when I'm dead and gone, you'll HAPPILY help Jamie sort through it! She'll be cursing me enough for both of you!! Love AJ
Is it okay to say I love reading your comments as much as your postings? Dear AJ, I think we need to pool resources and find a professional thrower outer for when we 'go', so none of our daughters will be cursing...'other daughters' and 'sons' included!
Love you Jen, be paper riddled and proud!
Oh and I left you a message on FB that you are not participating in for Lent...
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